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What to know about Fever. 

Fever is when a human’s body temperature goes above the normal range of 36–37° Centigrade (98–100° Fahrenheit). It is a common medical sign.

Other terms for a fever include pyrexia and controlled hyperthermia.
As the body temperature goes up, the person may feel cold until it levels off and stops rising.

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Fevers are common but can be unpleasant.
People’s normal body temperatures may vary and are affected by factors such as eating, exercise, sleeping, and what time of the day it is. Our body temperature is usually at its highest at around 6 p.m. and at its lowest at about 3 a.m.
A high body temperature, or fever, is one of the ways our immune system attempts to combat an infection. Usually, the rise in body temperature helps the individual resolve an infection. However, sometimes it may rise too high, in which case, the fever can be serious and lead to complications.
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