

Water is one of the substances essential to life. Biomolecules (e.g. DNA, proteins, and polysaccharides), gases, vitamins, etc. are dissolved in water. The water may act as a transport medium to convey these substances to various parts of the body. It also acts as an important reactant in certain biochemical processes. In plants, water is an essential requirement in photosynthesis. Since water molecules are polar, they can form transient hydrogen bonds between them and thereby help in the formation of biomolecular structures such as DNA and proteins. It is also because of the water’s polarity that it can interact with ions and other polar molecules. Water is also important in dissociating compounds into ions. Thus, it helps regulate pH levels. Molecules or substances that are readily soluble in water are described as hydrophilic. Conversely, those that are not readily soluble in water are described as hydrophobic. They are said to be nonpolar and water does not readily dissolve them. The interactions of water with polar and nonpolar molecules are crucial to the function and structure of the lipid-bilayer plasma membrane. Water molecule is the most abundant molecule inside a cell, accounting for about 70% or more of the total cell mass.2 The cell contains water (together with ions, solutes, and other molecules) in its cytosol. The water content of a human body is referred to as the body water. It occurs in the tissues, such as bones, muscles, adipose, blood, and practically everywhere. The average adult human body is about 50 to 60 % water. The body of a newborn Infant contains a higher water percentage (as much as 93% of the body weight). The body water in humans (and in animals, too) is contained in various bodily fluids, i.e. extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid. The extracellular fluid is that which is contained in body areas outside of cells and constitutes 1/3 of the body water. The intracellular fluids are those found inside the cells. They constitute about 2/3 of the body water. Water on earth is also abundant. It exists as solid, liquid, or gas. About 70% of the Earth’s surface is water. Bodies of water on Earth serve as important habitats for aquatic organisms and a source of water for terrestrial living things. Three major types of aquatic habitats are marine water, freshwater, and brackish water.


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